Allen Bradley Series Introduction


Allen Bradley Series Introduction

  • July 23, 2021
ControlLogix series: This is AB's most powerful large-scale PLC system, modular structure, support hot swap, redundancy, unlimited I/O, support EtherNet/IP, ControlNet, DeviceNet and other network communications, support sequence control, motion control, Transmission control, and process control are very powerful and have a wide range of applications. If it is a large-scale project, this series is recommended.

CompactLogix series: This is AB's medium-sized PLC system, modular without rack structure, does not support hot-swap, supports EtherNet/IP, ControlNet, DeviceNet, and other network communications, supports sequence control, motion control, transmission control, and process control, It is rumored that AB replaces the SLC500 series with this series, but customer recognition is not high. On the one hand, there is ControlLogix in large-scale systems, while small and medium-sized systems have SLC500, which has long-term application practice and a slightly lower price, so its promotion is difficult.

FlexLogix series: Distributed system, supports hot-swap, used for distributed applications on the equipment site. The processor can be used as an independently distributed controller, or the communication adapter with I/O can be used as a distributed I/O station. Using Flex I/O distributed stations can reduce project costs.

SLC500: Small control system, modular rack structure, does not support hot-swapping, and is widely used.

MicroLogix: Micro control system, which is divided into four series: MicroLogix1000, 1100, 1200, 1500, of which 1100 is just launched and integrates Ethernet communication port



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