Schneider 140ACO02000 Analog Output Module
Output Range:
- 4…20 mA
- 0…4096 counts, 12 bits bipolar current
- Loop Voltage: 12…30 V DC
- Voltage Drop: <30 V at 20 mA
- Absolute Accuracy Error: +/- 0.20 % of full scale at 25°C
- Linearity: +/- 1 LSB
Accuracy Drift According to Temperature:
- +/- 0.004 % of full scale/°C
- Maximum +/- 0.007 % of full scale/°C
Isolation Between Channels:
- 500 V 47…63 Hz AC
- 750 V for 1 minute DC
- Update Time: 3 ms
- Setting Time: 900 μs to +/- 0.1 % of the final value
- Fault Type: Open circuit 4…20 mA
- Bus Current Requirement: 480 mA
- Power Dissipation: <= 5.3 W
- External Power Requirement: 12…30 V
- Operating Temperature: 0…60°C
- Storage Temperature: -40…85°C
- Relative Humidity: 95% without condensation
- Operating Altitude: <= 5000 m
- Product Weight: 0.3 kg
Schneider 140ACO02000 Analog Output Module