Emerson EPro
Emerson EPRO IMR6000/30 Machine Monitoring Systems
The IMR6000/30 is designed for general use in industrial applications where reliable adaptations between electronic devices and plant devices are necessary. It offers substantial savings in wiring complexity.
- 19 Card Frame: The IMR6000/30 consists of a robust 19” card frame.
- Monitor Slots: It has 8-10 monitor slots (depending on the IMR type) for monitors of the MMS 6000 series.
- Logic Card Slots: It features 2-4 slots (depending on the IMR type) for the adaptation of one or more logic cards, such as the MMS 6740.
- Interface Card Slot: There is 1 slot for the adaptation of an interface card, such as the MMS 6830, MMS 6831, MMS 6824, or MMS 6825.
- Key Monitor Slot: The first monitor slot in the system frames IMR6000/10 and IMR6000/30 can house a key monitor (MMS 6310 or MMS 6312) and relay key signals to other monitors via the system frame or external connections.
- Power Supply: The IMR6000/30 has two separated power supplies.
- NEC Compliance: It offers the capability to fulfill the NEC guidelines for "Low Voltage Limited Energy" (LVLE).
Supply Voltage and Current:
- Maximum supply voltage: 24VDC
- Maximum input current: 4A per supply
- Maximum power: < 100VA per supply
- LVLE Compliance: By limiting the supply voltage and current to the specified limits, the IMR6000/30 generally complies with the NEC guidelines for "Low Voltage Limited Energy".
Emerson EPRO IMR6000/30 Machine Monitoring Systems