Bently Nevada 3500/42M

Vicky Chen
 Bently Nevada 3500/42M 

Mar. 24, 2023 

The 3500/42M Proximitor Seismic Monitor:

1.Protects machinery by continuously comparing monitored parameters against configured alarm setpoints to drive alarms.
2.Communicates essential machine information to both operations and maintenance personnel.
The 3500/42M Proximitor Seismic Monitor is a four-channel monitor that accepts input from proximity and seismic transducers.It conditions the signal to provide vibration and position measurements and compares the conditioned signals with user-programmable alarms.
You can program each channel using the 3500 Rack Configuration Software to monitor and report:
1.    Radial vibration
2.    REBAM
3.    Thrust position
4.    Acceleration
5.    Differential expansion
6.    Shaft absolute
7.    Eccentricity
8.    Circular acceptance region
9.    Velocity



1.(4) Channel Monitor
2.Accepts Input from Proximity and Seismic Transducers
3.Machinery Protection
4.Provides Essential Machine Information
The GE / Bently Nevada 3500/42M Series Proximitor / Seismic Monitors are four-channel monitors that accept input from proximity and seismic transducers, condition the signal to provide various vibrations and position measurements, and compares the conditioned signals with user-programmable alarms. 



Direct and Gap : Exclusive of filtering Within ±0.33% of full-scale typical ±1% maximum 
1X and 2X : Within ±0.33% of full-scale typical ±1% maximum 
Smax : Within ±5% maximum 
Not 1X : ±3% for machine speeds less than 30,000 cpm ±8.5% for machine speeds greater than 30,000 cpm

1606-XL480EP 330930-065-01-05
60M100-00 330106-05-30-10-02-05
330100-50-00 330105-02-12-05-02-05
330180-51-00 330930-040-00-05
330104-00-23-10-02-00 330905-00-15-05-02-05
330130-040-00-00 330130-040-00-00
330130-080-00-00 330130-085-00-CN
330104-00-18-10-02-00 330130-080-00-00
330104-00-15-10-02-05 330877-080-36-00
330930-060-01-CN 330103-00-20-10-02-00
330909-00-99-10-02-00 330130-045-00-00