About Allen-Bradley ControlLogix Series

Vicky Chen
 About Allen-Bradley ControlLogix Series  

Feb 17, 2023 

The Allen Bradley ControlLogix sets a new standard for the PLC to deliver the high performance your application needs in an user friendly environment. The ControlLogix controller, with memory options that go up to 8MB, which support intensive process applications and allow for fast processing of motion applications.No processor is required to perform bridging and routing of I/O modules, in addition as the system grows, the network permits distributing control to more chassis.The memory options allow the user to specify the appropriate controller for their application. A CompactFlash card provides the capability to store a portable nonvolatile storage program. The AB ControlLogix I/O Rack is made in the following slot sizes of 4, 7, 10, 13, or 17 slots for modules to be installed. Multiple processors units, communication modules as well as I/O modules can be mixed without restriction.These Allen Bradley controllers have modular user memory (750KB through 8MB) and can address a large number of I/O (4,000 analog or 128,000 digital I/O maximum). They are capable of controlling both local I/O as well remotely located I/O. The maximum number of I/O connections remote from one controller is 250. An Allen Bradley ControlLogix processor can monitor/control I/O cards via many different Communication option including: EtherNet/IP, ControlNet, DeviceNet, as well as Universal Remote I/O links.                


The ControlLogix series devices are conformally coated for temperature protection.  This system comes with HART features and its devices support up to 8 isolated channels. There are a variety of module types in the ControlLogix series.Some of the modules are Sercos servo modules, isolated output modules, generic servo interface modules, slot filler modules, and processor modules. The ControlLogix system modules come with open enclosures and they should be used for indoor purposes only.  These devices operate with different voltage ranges with amaximum voltage of up to 265 Volts AC. The operating temperature of the ControlLogix devices should not exceed 60 degrees Celsius.  These devices can be mounted inside a ControlLogix chassis.


1756-IM16I 1771-A1B 1715-IB16D
1794-IE12 1756-PA75  1715-OB8DE
1794-OE12 1756-OF4/A 1794-AENT
1746-NI16I 1756-PB75 1769-IQ16
1747-L531 1756-EN2TR 1756-IT6I
1747-L541 1440-RMA00-04RC 1769-IF4I
2711-T10C15 2711P-RN6 1769-L32E
2711-T10C20 2711P-RP1 MVI69-MNET
1785-L20B 2711P-RP2A 1756-EN2T
1785-BCM/C 1756-IF8 2711C-T6T
8C-PAIMA1 1769-IF8 1786-RPFRXL